Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Re-use As Much As Possible

To be self sufficient (or striving to be as much as possible) we not only grow the garden and keep livestock.

We also strive to "recycle" as much as possible - not just by sorting our garbage.

When starting up living self sufficient, we also started to consider, what we could use for other purposes, than just filling up the garbage can.

Emty plastic containers from storebought food, marmelade, ice cream etc. is cleaned and used again for food that goes into the freezer, fridge, as lunch boxes (and for leftovers for the son who just moved away from home :-) )

Monday, January 18, 2016

Wild Birds

Don't forget natures animals (especially during winter). As everything else they are a part of the ecosystem, that we want to be in balance in our (self sufficient) garden.

The wild birds suffer to find food during winter, so we always feed them during that period. During summer time there so much to eat everywhere for the birds out here in the country - however if I was living in the city, I would consider, if there was enough food for the birds during all year.

It does not have to be expensive to feed the birds - you can actually grow your own seeds and make your own bird fatballs, which is especially good to serve during winter. More about how to make that another time.... Until next time... Enjoy your outdoor visitors :-)