Sunday, July 28, 2019

Merging blogs and changing platform

We will be merging the 2 blogs and

The merge will be done for several reasons:

* Amongst the reasons lies mainly googles blog feature "translate", which means our 2 writers are able to co write.

* Several posts at goselfsufficient is far too long. We aim for short precise descriptions instead of long novels

* We chose to continue with the name "Hobbyfarmen", since the title covers a broader spectrum, and not only self sufficiency

* The final reason: Google's blogger platform WAS a fast and easy solution back in time, ready to launch, just write. Let's just say that blogger is NOT what blogger used to be. The app doesn't work anymore, the automated features, which was supposed to let writers just write, now requires a programmer. Therefore we are considering to move to an entirely different platform (along with all other CcTeam writers) where the programmers doesn't have to make fast solutions, just because google changed policies over night- sort of speak.

So BEFORE the merge is happening, the designers will be checking other platforms and available names. When a choise has been made, the merge will start.

Until the merge is complete, you'll be able to find the old articles here at goselfsufficient - new articles at 

Friday, January 4, 2019


I've been looking into juicers, cause I love to make my own juice by hand, but not as the first thing in the morning!

With all the lovely fresh vegetables  we have in the summer, almost all options are open.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Garden planning according to climate

I'm currently in the planning phase, an I'm following up on climate and the possibilities we have here.

The temperate climate zone is found in areas with latitudes between 35-66.5 degrees  (As comparison: subtropical climate you find in areas with latitude between 23.5-35.)
That's quite a span!.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Doctor Aloe Vera is sick

My beautiful Aloe Vera has become sick.

The leaves simply rot at the base, even though the dirt doesn't seem too moist.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

New dirt and bigger pots for house plants

During my detailed cleaning in the house, it happens, that I find a forgotten plant in a window behind a curtain.

Very often they look ready for the compost, and sometimes that's also the only option.

But that's a sad ending for a plant, that might be valuable of sentimental or other reasons.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

First snow of the season

We got the first little drizzle of snow today (2019) 
Not enough to make it fun though.
I guess everyone is hoping for the wonderful perfect white Christmas (it's almost a tradition to hope for that) and my best bet is, that we won't have snow on Christmas eve this year either.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Step 4: Planning the final details

Of course it's now the details we're working on.
This goes mainly for production of food for people and livestock.

Let me ask you a quick question...