Friday, October 19, 2018

Fresh soil for indoor plants

While we are getting plants like tomatoes, peppers etc. ready to take inside through the winter, we might as well bring the indoor plants new soil as well.

Here's my favourite indoor plant. You can grow it outside during the summer, but this one I always keep inside.

It's Aloe Vera doctor plant aka doctors aloe Vera. There's many sorts of this plant, but the "doctor aloe" I had difficulties to find.
Yes the pot is fairly large for this plant, but I want to give it room to expand and make new plants. Actually it's a rare sight to see this one so "pretty", since I use it for many purposes.
That's however another subject: doctor plants or plants with healing abilities.
We're not yet finished with all we wish to take inside. The windows however, is more than "finished" :-)
They are overloaded. Ah yes, whoever has the ability to limit oneself, truly poces some kind of magic power :-)

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