Saturday, October 6, 2018

Visit at the Veterinarians Hospital

When we decide to take in a new type of animal, we always consider veterinarian bills. Can we afford it?
If we can't, there's no reason to take in pigs or cows.
That's one reason we don't have more livestock, but as for now we could afford it, but we wish to move closer to the ocean to be able to catch fish without having to drive to get there.
But always always consider the bills before you buy livestock. It's our most important job if we own animals: to take good care of them.

Well fortunately nothing serious is going on. It's was just check up, vaccination, and dentist problems this time.
One dog is getting old, but is still going strong :-) And the puppy is playful as always.
So that's great to know 
And around 900€ later we went home...
It may sound like I hate that. Nope, not at all.
What I hate is when people do not care for their animals and never take them to see a vet.
You can go self sufficient without animals, and chose to buy your meat at another farmer or catch fish or buy it a the groceries.
Do not bring home any living  animals without having the financial strength to pay for a veterinarian. So always consider that and check with your budget first.

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