Saturday, October 20, 2018

Egg shells for many purposes

Right now we sadly don't have poultry. All hen houses was "cleaned out" by a huge dog, which slaughtered our beautiful chickens.
We therefore have an overstock of chalk for chickens and don't need some until spring.
Even though, there should still be an overstock of chalk, since the chickens also pick in the ground and eats insects, worms... and gets it naturally.

So we don't collect eggshells for food sprinkles at the moment. But don't throw the shells away. Instead pick a hole in both ends, and blow out the yolk and white.
You can now use the whole empty eggshell for decorations (especially Easter of course, just store it until you want to use it) or use them to make your own homemade fake eggs* for free.
No matter what you decide to use the shells for, it's always fun to blow out eggs with children. (An activity we use around Easter, and afterwards the children decorate the eggs after their own liking :-)
* Fake eggs is sometimes used as laying encouragement.

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