Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Let's give the mango another shot

We have previously, without luck, tried to make a mango seed sprout, so I think I'll give it another shot.

I think you know the procedure from last time, otherwise you can make a search for mango in the blog.

Well prepared with different types of knife, I'm ready to rescue the seed inside the fruit. (I also wanted to cut cubes of mango to dry in the oven.)
But first out with the seed, and to my huge surprise, the shell surrounding the seed was already open, and inside I found the big seed (like a huge bean) which has already sprouted.

Gosh what a surprise. I planted the seed immediately and hope, the the new surroundings is "satisfying."

So there I go. Homemade free mango plant for the self sufficient people. Great :-)
Well, not everything goes that easy, and might I add, that I wasted a whole mango to try to make dried cubes for sprinkles for breakfast(?) Darn!

If you try it at home, I'll be happy to hear about your results :-)

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