Monday, September 24, 2018

Make your own Pomegranate for free

I love pomegranate, the taste is wonderful and the pips can be very decorative in salads, desserts, drinks etc.
It would be lovely to have my own plant...
So let's see what we can do ourselves to get a pomegranate plant for free, just by using the seeds of a fresh fruit we had anyway.

I divide the fruit as shown in the picture. This way I can release most pips without breaking them. Just hold the one half with your hand, and tab the outside of the fruit with the back of a spoon. Do this over a bowl, to catch the pips and excess juice. It can be a bit messy.
Remove all the fluids and cells surrounding the seeds (eat them, but do not swallow or chew), and put the seeds into a bowl of water.
Wash the seeds you need thoroughly and remove all excessive tuff from the seeds, otherwise we'll start to grow fungus instead.
Now plant the seeds, and keep the dirt moist.

Im also trying out an experiment to start the sprouts on kitchen towel.
Ill get back to you with the results hereof.

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