Thursday, September 13, 2018

Find free mushrooms in nature

It's still rainy weather here, the desire to work with dirt is non existent, since the glowes quickly turn wet and you end up ruining your hands.

But with a lot of moist comes the mushrooms. And just before the weekend arrives, it's the best time to find them.
Most people with "nomal" work hours and transportation don't have time for mushroom hunting during the week.
So out there we went in search for delicious free food from nature. Picking them I was thinking of the forests ecosystem. How amazing it is, that we can get mushrooms without planting seeds, watering and caring for the plant at all.

 You can grow them at home. I'll show you a grow kit another day. It's useful for both the self sufficient household as well as the low scaled self sufficient.
Besides the mushrooms next to the dog (don't eat that type) I do not want to "advice" you in collecting and recognizing the good from the bad. The types of mushrooms you have might be totally different, and my best advise is to find a local guide to learn from.
Great books can teach you a lot, but nothing beats experience:-)

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