Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Make your own Rhubarb plants

Rhubarb comes in several different sorts. 
I have 3 different types of rhubarb, but this is not about sort, but rhubarb in general.
When you go self sufficient, this gives an idea of the concept. Use every possible way to make your own homemade plants for free.

Sometimes the Rhubarb flowers. It looks impressive.
Many people cut off the flower. It takes a lot of strength from the plant to make lowers and seeds, so if you want a large harvest, you cut it off.
After all you can always make more plants, by dividing the root.
But for the fun if it, I wanted to try.
It's actually pretty easy. You just leave the flower alone and let it grow.

At some point you'll notice, that the  seeds starts to form. Just leave it on the plant.

Later on the seeds will start to dry out and get brown. Now it's time to keep an eye on them, so they won't spread all over the garden, when the wind blows.

When ready, cut the dried out flower off, and shake it inside a bucket, for the seeds to fall off.
If you notice my seeds in the left, there's little stuff that I could sort away, but that's a waste of time.

I do a grow test for all my seeds. In this case, I just planted the seeds, that wouldn't come off, with stenches and everything.

As you see on the picture, a little row of Rhubarb plants is forming. So now we know, the seeds are good to use.
Put them in a container when they are completely dry. 
Mark the container with name and year. An there you go, you are self sufficient in Rhubarb, you have made your own free rhubarb seeds.

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