Friday, September 28, 2018

Make your own safran

The most expensive spice on earth: safran. Why not try to make it myself, just in the spirit of living self sufficient. It's not like I want to start a production to sell safran, but I want to grow it for own use and mostly for fun, just to be able to say with pride:" safran, yes of course we have it :-)".

Safran crocus (sativus) differs from the normal crocus (the kind I know and love). Safran Crocus flowers in the fall. 
You plant the flower bulbs in August-September, and the flowers bloom October-November. 

So in a well prepared area with a lot of chicken manure, I planted my bulbs and cant wait to see the result and how difficult it is to harvest and dry the safran. Its going to be a new experience.

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