Saturday, September 1, 2018

Make your own tomato seeds (2018)

It's late August, so it's time to think of what plants we want to take indoors, and for other plants time to take seeds for next year's harvest.
Seeds we make from own plants are free, and we know the taste of the fruit.
It's goes hand in hand with beeing selfsufficient.
I've found another more easy way to save money on tomato seeds.
It's not the first time I try this, but the other years it was much more time demanding.
Use some tomatoes you can't eat anyway. But select "the best of the bad".
Referring to the picture, I throw away all the tomatoes to the right.

Prepare a large bowl of water (approximately room temperature)
Squeeze the tomatoes into the water, remove as much as you can.

Next day remove the zest and whatever you are able to remove. 

Sift the water from the bowl.
Now slam the sift hard onto a piece of kitchen towel, and remove potential leftovers of tomato fruit.

There you go:
Free tomato seeds, no waste, just the spirit of self sufficiency.

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