Friday, September 7, 2018

Free Elderberries

The elderberries... What can I say(?)
It's just not a good year this year.
I picked a lot of bunches, sadly they were all the same bad quality.
Some berries dried out like black peppercorn. Others not even ripe.
So sad...

Well, I took some braches from a good plant, cut them up and placed them in water in the hope, they'll grow roots.
Some branches I rip off the plant, some I cut.
I remove all leaves, that will be under the surface of the water, and some leaves above, but not all.
Now they are sitting at my planting table with same for blackberries, so we cross our fingers and hope they grow a root.
In the city, with none or small gardens, I don't recommend several bushes. They are all over in nature, so no reason to grow them yourself.
However I have found a plant with large berries and lots of them, so I want to make more of that type.
Besides many people use the flowers from the plant to boil a soft drink. The more people who do that, the less berries.
Yet another thing... I use my plants as a reminder...
When I have the plants in my garden, I'm able to see, when they are ripe. No need to go search for them in nature, if they are not ripe at home.

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